The Power of Thought and Feeling

by Patricia Hayes

Connecting with Spirit is connecting with your strength. Uniting with Spirit enables you to know the truth of your love power and gives you a direct link with your highest and most inspired thoughts and feelings. All human beings, great and small, are the creators of their world. All of creation is formed through thought and feeling. We all materialize our thoughts and feelings daily, even though most of us don’t realize it. This creative ability is a divine blessing, for it gives each of us the tools and ability to create a more abundant, joyful, and harmonious life. The ability to manifest our thoughts is a great and wonderful gift, a gift from the Divine that is our birthright, and which provides the direct ways and means to obtain peace of mind, and loving and beneficial circumstances and experiences. This gift also serves as our Spiritual Teacher, always attempting to show us the quality of our thoughts that are constructive and benevolent, and those thoughts that belittle and sabotage and cause chaos in our lives and in the world. We witness and learn this intimately through our experiences. We have the immediate feedback of our successes or failures through our everyday experiences on the job and in our personal lives. Our learning seems slow and laborious until we realize that we are the creators of our world. We are the artists that use thought and feeling to paint the canvass of our lives. And we are responsible for what we do or don’t create. We are really very brilliant and amazing beings, spiritual beings in human expression. Once we realize and understand the power of our thoughts and feelings, the power of our spirit, we go through what is called a second birth. With the knowledge of this power and abilities of Spirit, we begin life again with greater purpose, perception, and direction, and we channel our thoughts and feelings into creating a healing environment of love, abundance, and harmony for ourselves and in turn, our world.

The majority of people on our planet are not yet enlightened enough to realize the creative and manifesting power of their own thoughts and feelings. They think that if they hide their fear and self-doubt along with their hostile and depressed thoughts and feelings, then they are doing something good, and will appear to be benevolent, happy, and accepted in the world. They fail to realize that their inner world creates their outer world, and their environment, relationships, health and personal status of being. They are continually attracting people and situations that confirm their hidden thoughts and feelings.

Your combined thoughts and feelings have an inner sound or vibrational value, and determine the harmony or disharmony of your inner sound vibration. Scattered, confused, and fearful thoughts create disharmony, while clear, purposeful, and loving constructive thoughts create the greatest harmony and abundance. Your inner sound vibration has a far greater effect on your body than any exterior influences, and it continually communicates the harmony or disharmony of your being to every atom and molecule that compose all of your cells, thereby creating the harmonic of health, or one of disease.

Your ideas represent your psychic intent that generates your thoughts, emotions, and imagination, which are the ways and means by which all external events are materialized. Your ideas are energy formed and directed. Imagination and emotion are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess. Any strong emotion carries within it far more energy than is required to send a rocket to the moon. But instead of sending a rocket to the moon, your thoughts and emotions send your mental images, combined with your inner sounds from your interior world, through the barrier between the nonphysical and physical, and out into the material world. You are constantly sending your mental images (thoughts), propelled by the power of your emotions, to birth in the physical world, which in turn are constantly birthing life events and experiences that are parented by your thoughts and feelings.

It works something like this. If you have thoughts of helplessness and hopelessness, then mental images form around these thoughts and are propelled by the emotions that accompany them into the physical plane, attracting people, situations, and circumstances that confirm your thoughts and feelings. Thus, you are seeing and experiencing your thoughts and emotions in the reality of your world. If you are spiritually unaware, you think and feel that you are a victim of the world, and you are in a sense, because you fail to realize that what you experience is the creation of your own mental images, thoughts, and emotions. Eventually you will learn to release all feelings of unworthiness and helplessness, and to forgive yourself for past mistakes you have made, while learning how to create each day anew. After all, when we know a better and greater way to handle a situation, we will usually choose to do it. We eventually learn to say “No” with loving intent and words. Unfortunately, the natural process of evolution that we all navigate is painfully slow. In the Ancient Mysteries schools, the Spiritual Initiate learned to accelerate his/her own learning through his own devices. Many of us have attended these mystery schools in past lifetimes and need only refresher courses to accelerate our present learning and get busy creating works of art and love that will enrich our lives and our world.

It is essential that in this New Day that we become aware of and recognize the power and effect of our thoughts and feelings, and to connect with Spirit in order to have full access to our most inspired, enlightened, and abundant thoughts and feelings.

Patricia Hayes

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