Spiritual Training

  The Essence of Delphi

Delphi is a university of higher learning where you can receive comprehensive Spiritual Training. Our Four Schools of Healing offer Certifications, Practitioner, Bachelor, Master, and Doctorate degrees.  The scope of studies includes Energy Healing, Healer Training, Metaphysics, Alternative Healing, Channeling, Medical Intuitive, Mediumship, Psychic Development, RoHun™ Transpersonal Spiritual Psychology, Ancient Mystery School Teachings, and Intuitive Training and Development.

Delphi is a magical place of personal growth, self-enlightenment and self-realization. It’s a spiritual retreat center dedicated to the healing of body, mind, and spirit for those seeking to discover and express their unique spiritual gifts. Through experiential training programs and small class sizes, students can accelerate their spiritual development and personal growth. Students attest to having a meaningful and valuable spiritual experience at Delphi.
All courses of study at Delphi begin with In-Depth Channeling Training from the Arthur Ford School of Mediumship, a spiritual training & psychic development program, and the foundation course at Delphi. Developing one’s channeling abilities is one of the key fundamentals to all forms of spiritual practice and expression. In our intensive 7-day In-Depth Channeling Course you will learn how to develop, refine, and enhance your psychic and spiritual abilities, and become a clear channel of love, light, and healing. After completion of In-Depth Channeling, students can elect to pursue the Metaphysician & Healer Training offered by the Patricia Hayes School, the RoHun™ Therapy Studies offered by the RoHun™ Institute, or both. Many students begin their work at Delphi with Inner Sanctuary Training, Entura Art, or with the Connecting with Spirit Personal Holistic Healing Program before taking In-Depth Channeling. Delphi is a spiritual haven and the perfect environment for those who are seeking to develop their channeling skills and healing abilities, gain a greater understanding of God and self, and who are committed to their own personal growth and healing.
Delphi is located in the Blue Ridge Mountains where the states of Georgia, Tennessee, and North Carolina meet. The campus sits in a natural green environment surrounded by rushing whitewater.

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