Divine Mother Healing

Healing the Dis-connected State

The Purpose of the Divine Mother Healing is to gain and bring an understanding to the love and healing within the great essence of our Divine Mother, and to access her gifts of healing to those suffering the loss of a child in the womb, through abortion, stillbirth, miscarriage, adoption, premature birth, the separation of long hospital stays, ectopic/tubal pregnancy or any other trauma in both the current life or past life created by both the Mother/Father and the Child.

The therapeutic process and sessions are as follows:

Session One: A Walk with the Divine Mother – To awaken the Divine Mother’s Essence within the client’s could and to create an intimacy with the self.

Session Two: Meeting the Child – The purpose is for the Mother/Father to make the heart connection with the child and heal the Mother’s/Father’s anxiety, sadness, guilt, and shame and also that of the child who is eager to communicate with its earthly Mother/Father.

Session Three: Past Life Regression with the Divine Mother – The experience of past life regression with the Divine Mother offers the client the direct experience of one or more lifetimes that have created the dis-connected state. At the conclusion of the experience of past lifetime/s the Divine Mother offers the client the opportunity to experience the ‘point of creation’

Session Four: The Seven Keys of Golden Light – To heal the perception of the separation/dis-connect from Source created by loss or trauma of the child, and to release both the Mother/Father from the pathways of pain and suffering that were created.

The Dis-connected State is real for both Mother/Father and Child in different ways. We carry them from lifetime to lifetime. Thanks to the Divine Mother who has stepped forward we now can heal the dis-connect. We hop you can join us for this unique and cutting-edge class.


When: May 5-10, 2025
Where: Delphi University
Prerequisite: In-Depth Channeling

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