Enlightens Thoughts & Feelings
Connects You with Your Spirit & Higher Self
Helps You Forgive & Release the Past
Clears Faulty Thoughts & Emotions that Attract Negative Thoughts and People
Heals deep-seated mental and emotional issues & past-life karma
Opens Your Heart to Better Give & Receive Love
The RoHun™ Therapist specializes in perceiving and facilitating the movement, release and balance of energies in the form of emotional, mental, desire, spiritual, and physiological states. The skills of the RoHun™ Therapist draw on the knowledge of consciousness and the human energy system, the chakras, and the subtle bodies, those invisible and concentric energy bodies that surround the physical body. Ro-Hun™ Therapists are etheric surgeons who are psychically and spiritually trained to remove energy blocks and imbalances, and to access and transform faulty thought patterns that can cause emotional pain, trauma and illness. They are adept at opening the spiritual perception of individuals so they may receive their own guidance, inner strength from higher aspects of their being, and journey with greater awareness. Above all, The RoHun™ Therapist is a dedicated channel of healing.
The RoHun™ Therapist’s goal is to become a dedicated channel of healing trained to identify and balance the energies surrounding the human body. The required skills draw on knowledge of the chakra energy fields, one of the etheric human energy systems. The RoHun Therapist can be described as an etheric surgeon who is psychically and spiritually trained to either balance, alter or remove energy blocks when necessary. The end result being to transform faulty thought patterns at the core of emotional pain, trauma, and illness. The therapist will also be skilled in opening and broadening the spiritual channels of individuals to allow them to receive guidance and wisdom from higher sources and put them on a more positive path.
The first RoHun™ course introduces the RoHun™ Enlightenment and Self-Healing Cards, a progressive, modern, psychotherapeutic tool designed to facilitate understanding, self-healing, self-growth, and the healing of others.
Students learn the Release/Healing Process that enables them to find specific blocks that negatively influence relationships, behaviors, attitudes, and acceptance. In this phase, RoHun™ is the discovery of the origin of the faulty thought patterns from which the energy block stems. Using a specific, directive process, the therapist is able to release the negative energies that are limiting one’s life.
The second course teaches the RoHun™ Healing Process of Purification. Students are taught etheric surgery techniques for the removal of energy blocks and for resolving internal conflicts and negativity. The students learn methods of opening the higher chakras, balancing male/female energies, and activating the inner senses and creative processes.
The RoHun™ Purification Process, which involves a sequence of therapeutic sessions, is taught and illustrated using live demonstrations. Students have the opportunity through supervised practice to administer and receive each phase in the sequence. Attention is given to deciphering the stages of the therapeutic process, particularly the moment of healing and exacting effective intervention. At the completion of this course, the student is empowered and authorized to practice and perform RoHun™ Purification Therapy.
The third course focuses on methods of extending and intensifying the basic RoHun™ Purification Process and introduces Skim Sessions for continued purification, and Splits in Consciousness for healing specific problems. Past Life Therapy is presented as a vehicle for releasing traumatic elements of the unconscious. The Dynamics of Group RoHun™, both as facilitator and participant, are also taught to expand one’s RoHun™ Practice.
The fourth RoHun™ course introduces techniques that are designed to uncover increasingly greater depths of the unconsciousness where “Caged Ones” or elements of the shadows are surfaced and exorcised. Each phase of RoHun™ deals with lower consciousness issues and their transformation to higher states. Progressively, the balance shifts through the stages of RoHun™ to techniques that explore higher order states, creating the Alternate Balance. New and higher states of self-integration become possible with techniques that facilitate transition into new levels of creative functioning.
The RoHun™ Masters Program is the second phase of RoHun™ and operates in a higher evolutionary vein with the direct efforts toward self-realization and transformation. As a Higher Self emerges, spiritual and intuitive abilities are activated for practical purposes in everyday life. There is greater clarity, purpose, and direction as well as an expanded vision of Self. The Male/Female energies (thought and feeling) are healed and united in an intimate union that results in an in-depth understanding of Self and others, and a dramatic increase in creative productivity and loving self-expression. The RoHun™ Masters Program courses teach many new processes.
Increase your skills and understanding of the RoHun™ Enlightenment Processes.
Consciously take more steps on your own path of enlightenment.
Expand and increase your healing ministry through learning new processes that can further enlighten your clients.
A fascinating study consisting of two distinct RoHun™ therapeutic processes in the following areas:
The Androgynous Process
This method is about healing the layers of an internal war between the sexes, the battle of the heart and the mind. The feeling body, the heart is female, and the thinking body, the male is mind. These two are not in harmony, and this conflict is continuously played out in male/female relationships. The Androgynous Process works deeply with the kundalini to heal the drama and feeling of war between the sexes, which can only be healed from within. The Androgynous Therapy integrates the heart and the mind so that conflicts are healed, thought, and feeling work together in harmony, and healthier relationships are attracted into one’s life.
The Divine Mother Process
Designed to assist individuals with using the power of their will and their voice (the word) to heal mother-induced spiritual fragmentation, psychological imbalance, and emotional entanglement. Activating the Divine Mother aspects within ourselves gives us access to higher guidance, and the energy needed to complete our creations and give birth to anything we embrace with our hearts.
Students study two powerful archetypal myths that deal with the complexities, healing, and the integration of the masculine and feminine energies, and experience the special needs, actions, behavioral patterns, and requirements of each. Throughout the course, students take progressive steps for the healing of their own male and female energy and are empowered with a deeper understanding of themselves, their loved ones, significant others, and clients. Relationship Dynamics is a Journey into Wisdom and Love, The Masculine & Feminine Archetypes, The Healing and Unification of Your Masculine and Feminine Energies, and the path to Christ Consciousness.
The RoHun ™ Doctorate Program consists of:
While studying in the RoHun™ Doctorate Program, you will earn:
Upon completion of the prerequisites, program courses and doctoral thesis, you will earn Certification as a Doctor of RoHun™ Rh.D.
In this course, the student learns the spiritual anatomy of the physical body. Emphasis is on understanding the root cause of disease, the function served by disease in spiritual awakening, and the interaction between the Etheric (vital) body, the Astral (emotional) body, and the physical body in attracting or repelling disease. The study also includes the relationship of blood as a physiologic interface with the ego/soul, and the makeup of cells and their function relative to thought.
You will also learn the Brazilian Light Energization™ Therapy, the sacred and magical process of Kundalini Stimulation and Consciousness Expansion pioneered by the late Mauricio Panisset, the Man of Light, and his widow Kimberly Curcio.
Course topics:
Man’s continuing spiritual journey through the cosmic, creational, and patriarchal cycles.
The study of vibration, the effect of fear, and inherited diseases.
Introduction and practice of Reflective Healing Techniques for physical healing and regeneration.
Learning to facilitate and perform a Blood Cleanse.
Working in the Etheric Body to facilitate healing of the Physical Body.
Brazilian Light Energization™ Healing Techniques for stimulating and drawing up the Kundalini energy to stimulate and energize the Pineal and Pituitary glands, and enhance spiritual perception, psychic vision, and cosmic connection.
This course takes the student further into the Spiritual Anatomy of the physical energy systems of the body and the healing potencies of the Etheric (Vital) Body. Instruction on the structure and practical application of the Reflective Etheric Healing Therapeutics for physical regeneration is taught and practiced. This is a comprehensive Spiritual Anatomy course detailing the role and function of the subtle energy bodies, the spiritual relationship of the organs of the physical body, the continuing evolution of man’s spiritual anatomy, the evolutionary future of the Etheric and Desire Bodies, and the development of the Adam Kadmon lightbody.
The Brazilian Kundalini Light Energization™ Initiation is a continuation of the Light Energization™ but with a greater emphasis upon the development and expansion of the student’s own abilities, and a greater connection with the Cosmic Forces. Students will experience a journey of initiation while learning advanced healing techniques using breathing and Kundalini energy, sacred mantras and symbols, alchemy and working with the elements, and employing advanced sound healing techniques.
Course topics:
The spiritual anatomy of the nervous systems of the physical body
Accessing the healing potencies of the Etheric (Vital) body
The role of the ductless glands in spiritual attainment
Instruction and hands-on practice of Reflective Etheric Healing Therapeutics
Advanced Kundalini Light Energization™ Techniques
Sound Therapy (Early morning program)
An adventure into the maze and illusion created by your Inner Child as a means of survival in a lonely, overwhelming world. This in-depth study pinpoints the repetitive and destructive mental constructs and the four major fears that sabotage love and success, and separate you from your true divine self.
You will learn the “triggers” of the external world that send you into your destructive constructs. Constructs & Vaults is a fascinating study of man’s unaware and limited thinking and feeling versus the Power of Our Divine Mind and Heart. The purpose of this study is to enlighten and to experience ourselves as the divine beings we are and empower ourselves to create all that is good. Also included in this course is Sound Therapy (Early morning program).
The RoHun™ Doctorate in-depth study continues as you discover how the inner child’s mental constructs and fears create tanks of powerful negative emotions in the lower chakras. You will pinpoint how the energies of self-abuse, self-hatred, and deceit affect your physical body and form vortexes of potential disease. You will encounter conscious and unconscious death wishes and learn to transform them.
The study of Constructs, Vaults, and Tanks is psychoanalysis at its best. The study is concerned with the negative creations of our own inner child, the release of these negative creations and feelings, and the transformation and integration of our Inner Child into our lives.
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