The main courses of study at Delphi begin with or include In-Depth Channeling, an accelerated spiritual training and psychic development program. Many students begin their studies with Inner Sanctuary Training before taking In-Depth Channeling. Other students take Inner Sanctuary Training after In-Depth Channeling. You can enroll in either or both courses. You may also choose to start with Entura Art, or to begin with our Connecting with Spirit Personal Holistic Healing Program which includes Inner Sanctuary Training. You can enroll in any of these non-prerequisite courses. The Inner Sanctuary Training establishes the sacred space within where you can go to receive spiritual insight and answers to your questions, restore balance and vitality, manifest your creative ideas, and strengthen your sense of purpose. Your sacred work in the Inner sanctuary continually brings greater light, love, wisdom and peace into your life and your world. Inner Sanctuary Training is inspiring, life-transforming, and enlightening.